How to donate?

There are two ways to make a donation. We are grateful for any contribution you might make.

Step 1

(If you haven’t registered previously)

Tell us who you are and how often (annually, monthly, or once) you will donate by filling the donor form so that we can get in touch with you. You will then be re-directed to the payment page to finish the donation process.

Step 2

If possible, would you make your donation direct into our bank account, as PayPal will take a bite out of any donation you make.

Our bank details for you to set up an annual standing order (for 5 years) or for a one-off donation:

Account Name: Group Analysis India

Lloyds Bank

Sort Code: 30 95 96

Account Number: 30867868

If you are located outside the UK,

IBAN: GB68 LOYD 3095 9630 8678 68

BIC Code: LOYDGB21380

To make a one-off or monthly recurring donation through PayPal, click here